Yertle the Turtle Catches a Tailwind!

Trail section at right in western Ontario.
You know how hiking folks eventually "acquire" a trail name. Mine is Yertle the Turtle. It came to me a couple of days back as I biked along a country road in Ontario and 4 "twenty something" cyclists zoomed by me like I was standing still on their ultra light bikes. Yes, Yertle fits, slow but steady. Have put in a 78 and 72 mile days recently. It takes me a long time but, so far, I've gotten there.
I've written so much the last few days. I'll save it for the book! Suffice to say I've met wonderful people all along the way. About half my meals have been offered to me and I've been camping out since the Enid experience. The night before last I experienced my own 4th of July in the comfort of my tent. I was awakened about 1:00 a.m. to an incredible thunder storm. It made me wonder if the stays on my tent were fiber glass or aluminum. And how do lightning rods work anyway? The rain pounded the tent , but the next morning I happily discovered the inside to be nearly completely dry.
Getting back to the U.S. at Sarnia was a bit of a challenge. There's only one place to cross the Saint Clair River that forms the boundary with Michigan. That way involved crossing a bridge approached by a restricted access highway: no pedestrians, no bikes! I had to hitch. Removed all panniers and my front and rear bags in hopes of making the bike easier to load should anyone stop. Traffic was light and I needed a truck or a van to load the bike. After about 20 minutes a van pulled up. George and Sue, two truckers by trade, were kind enough to give me a lift. They had crossed over earlier in the day to stock up on booze before heading south to Texas to start a new life. They had not much good to say about Michigan--especially the economy, the weather, and the attitudes. They own their own Freightliner and can operate out of almost anywhere. They live, for the next two weeks anyway, in Capac where I was headed. They offered to give me a lift there but I nobly :) declined to keep the trip honest! In the end the gave me a big box of Planter's peanut brittle (the best, they say) and I took their picture before parting in Port Huron. Nice folks!
Many, many vignettes such as above to share. I love, love, love the midwestern accents. I've met man Marges of Fargo!
I, like other travelers have been, am amazed by the generosity people have for strangers--0nce they feel safe. Oftentimes you need to make the first move--play with the dog, ask for directions, tell them where you're headed--and then people have a real desire to be kind. Speaking of kindness--I realize it was lacking, entirely, in my comments about Enid. While what I said about my disappointment with the accommodations was true, Enid herself was delightful--eccentric, but delightful. And eccentricity is what makes people interesting. But to set the record straight, Enid's accomodations would probably delight some who are looking for something "off beat"--and in this world of franchises that is not to be undervalued-- and she herself was engaging and kind. So, from Mr. Spandex Smarty pants--my apologies, Enid.
Writing today from a library in Brown City, Michigan. Headed toward Bay City and Luddington over the next few days. Camille and Cyndi, I will call as I get closer. Mr. (or Mrs.) tech assistant, thanks for the advice. I love your comments. Cally, only one more day!!! Laura and Emily--eat those blueberries and raspberries. Hi Kyle and Luke. Yes, Brenda, you could try a leash! Chris stay in touch. Betsy, I love you. My love to all. Lowell. p.s. The Michigan skeeters are bigger and hungrier than their eastern cousins!
Sounds like a great trip-such interesting people you are meeting.
I am sure you meant to say hi to Carly also, she is not someone you could forget.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Hey "Yertle the Turtle" - You don't give yourself enough credit!!! Need I remind you that you are not supposed to fly like a 20 somehting???? I am very proud and impressed with your endeavor!!!
Personally, after reading all your postings, I can't wait until you write your book. I know you will. Have you chosen a editor and publisher???
Yes, thank goodness today is the last day. I am soooo overdue to take a break I can't stand it. To say nothing about both Erin (and Dave) and Conor (and Nadya) being with us for a week. Should prove to be a wonderful, first-time extended family event. Pray for nice weather on Saturday.
Ooooops - you might be glad you are not here at this point. I think the walls and trim at BES Office are a bit more green than anticipated. It never looks the same as the chip. Oh well - cheery and welcoming - just what I want!
Oh - I spoke with Peggy Watson and they found a house to rent (for a year I guess) in Montpelier on Vallerie Street. I believe it is off of Berlin - so you would be neighbors. Glad they found something - July 20th is around the corner. She sounded relieved.
Charlie is doing RC this week and they start moving on Saturday. Maybe I will have to pitch-in and be Granny/Nanny for the boys.
Love and thoughts go your way as you continue on your adventure. I will keep in touch from home (off until 7/19 Wheeeeee!!! )
Anonymous, at Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Baker here. I had to call Betsy to figure out how to do this. I hope you get it. I have been reading your entries, just much going on and could not write. Soooo here it is. Dance camp is great. Kids having a ball. I am going to have shoulder surgery on August 17th. No alternative. So first time in 29 years that school starts without Baker. Depending on the damage, could be out of commission for 4-6 weeks. yikes. Your trip sounds glorious. You should write a book. You are so articulate and expressive. Hope to see those slides when you get back.Be safe.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Heh Big Brother,
Glad to hear you are ok. Think about you every day. I called Peter last night and told him how to log in to your blog. Hmmm....Well, with Lisa's help,he'll probably figure it out! Love ya! Jane
Anonymous, at Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Dear Mr. Spandex smartypants: My neighbor and friend Enid showed me your website and I want to tell you she seems to be over her initial hurt and has accepted your apology. Maybe she'll write herself. (She uses my computer.)But I also want to say that she and I love those spandex pants you people wear. She and I are, of course, way beyond acting on any of our private comments, but those form-fitting pants sure don't leave much to the imagination! But we were wondering if those stories we read in the papers about serious bicyclists getting all sorts of libido and other problems are true??
PS: Enid says she was joking with you about the slugs. She hasn't found a slug in a guest shower stall in over six months.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, July 12, 2006
You may be trying to go with the yertle the turtle theme, but looks like the rest of us are sticking with mister spandex smarty pants. I hope that you are finding great bike shops like Onion River on your journey. I took two different bikes in today, one in the morning and one in the afternoon, with lots of little problems that you could have fixed if you were here..but alas..the boys at ORS fixed me up just right and the best charge...rainy afternoon here. Missing you much!!Love Betsy
Anonymous, at Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Hi lowell all sounds to be going well for you. I's raining here. All afternoon more like. Luke says hi. have more fun.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, July 12, 2006
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