June 26, 2006
Oh my God did the rain ever come down! And if you're wondering, yes, we did start today, a little late at 6:15 a.m. from Highland Avenue. After a quick ride to Waterbury we stopped for breakfast and then on to Richmond and the Sun Rise Cafe. This is a nice little bakery/cafe that morphed from the Bread of Life(?) cafe of yore. Gene Novogrodsky and I made this place a compulsory stop on bike trips 20 years ago for cookies and coffee--a nice combination for bikers.
Yes, it rained, rained, rained. In torrents as we approached Sandbar State Park in S. Hero. No one was there, 'ceptin us and a lone park ranger. Ate a nice energy bar (thanks Amber), swatted mosquitoes and were on our way. Ferry boat ride from Grand Isle and dinner tonight at Gus' Famous Michigans. Michigans, in case you don't know, are a midwestern specialty hot dog with a special meat sauce added. All steamed. Yuck! I had the pasta and Betsy had, well, should we say "comfort food." She asked for the soup de jour and it was cheesburger. That tells you the kind of establishment we dined at. But the price was right and the atmosphere, Plattsburghian. Tonight we're in Plattsburgh after a ride of 68 miles. Feeling tired, but good about this accomplishment under most inhospitable weather conditions. Actually, though, the temperature was good and wind favorable. But the water on the road was at times over our wheel rims. Tomorrow, on to Chateaugay, a short ride compared to today.
Sorry the picture is so insipid. But at least I figured out how to upload it (thanks, Mike!). Mr. Techie had dead batteries until we reached the motel. This is a picture of our New York map drying out on the bed! Hope it dries before bedtime!
Hi Lowell and Betsy,
I can't believe you left in that yesterday and went such a long way! Very impressive. Hope the sun shines for you today and you don't have to give up the bikes for kayaks or something. Thinking of you guys....
Happy trails,
Anonymous, at Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Hi Boss!
I'm so impressed that you left in the pouring rain. I was thinking you could probably find a restroom along the way and crouch down under one of those heated hand blow dry gizmos to dry off. I can just picture it. Anyway, be safe and well. Have fun! Looking forward to reading about your adventures.
Chris Dodge
Anonymous, at Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Hey guys -
So I don't see my long message to you yesterday - must have done something wrong trying to post (guess I need Mr. Techy back :)
Thinking of you frequently and so glad to read all is wet and wonderful!!! I am thoroughly BORED here, although getting a lot done. I just want to crank it out and be gone.
No news to date on tests - will keep you posted. Love to you both
Anonymous, at Wednesday, June 28, 2006
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