Toronto-Home of the Blue Jays
This is too cool to believe! I'm in Toronto in my undies (well, almost) at a laundramat doing some wash that badly, badly needed attention and the have free internet access! Whoeee.
Amazing how many people here look Asian. As I rode a bike path around huge nuclear facility, many employees with ID tags were out for walks. I'd say about 90% Asian. Canada, at least this part of it, is growing and becoming more diversified. Sight of the day: a gargantuan wind mill outside the nuclear plant. Made any eerie sound as the blades circled. Actually looked quite beautiful in a field by the water.
Tim, you have many adventures awaiting you out there. For a biker like you this would be a piece of cake, at least so far!
Cally, so glad to hear that your tests came back negative and that you survived that other intrusive exam! Keep Charlie organized but give him room to experiment! Glad you all had fun on the 4th.
Very sad departure from Fran and John yesterday. It was sucha gas biking with them. What great spirits. What laughter. I miss them!
Have you ever done a lot of work and accomplished very little? Have you ever ridden a lot and not gotten very far. That's my experience today. Yesterday did 70 miles, much of it through beautiful terrain with spectacular views of farm country with the back drop of Lake Ontario. But all into a head wind. Today I've meandered on bike paths, ridden a lot on sidewalks, walked my bike even, gotten a bit lost once, followed maps with "proposed" trails that don't yet exist, and all in all may only modest forward progress. But it ain't over yet! Wait till those clothes are dry!
Betsy, thanks for taking care of the garden. I miss the good veggies. Have tried to be reasonable though about my consumption of "road food." Love to all. No USB port. No picture again today, but believe me, I've taken many!
Amazing how many people here look Asian. As I rode a bike path around huge nuclear facility, many employees with ID tags were out for walks. I'd say about 90% Asian. Canada, at least this part of it, is growing and becoming more diversified. Sight of the day: a gargantuan wind mill outside the nuclear plant. Made any eerie sound as the blades circled. Actually looked quite beautiful in a field by the water.
Tim, you have many adventures awaiting you out there. For a biker like you this would be a piece of cake, at least so far!
Cally, so glad to hear that your tests came back negative and that you survived that other intrusive exam! Keep Charlie organized but give him room to experiment! Glad you all had fun on the 4th.
Very sad departure from Fran and John yesterday. It was sucha gas biking with them. What great spirits. What laughter. I miss them!
Have you ever done a lot of work and accomplished very little? Have you ever ridden a lot and not gotten very far. That's my experience today. Yesterday did 70 miles, much of it through beautiful terrain with spectacular views of farm country with the back drop of Lake Ontario. But all into a head wind. Today I've meandered on bike paths, ridden a lot on sidewalks, walked my bike even, gotten a bit lost once, followed maps with "proposed" trails that don't yet exist, and all in all may only modest forward progress. But it ain't over yet! Wait till those clothes are dry!
Betsy, thanks for taking care of the garden. I miss the good veggies. Have tried to be reasonable though about my consumption of "road food." Love to all. No USB port. No picture again today, but believe me, I've taken many!
hmmmm...does anyone else wonder what "strange dude jeremy" might be saying in his blog about this weird dude he met from vt with a do-rag who walks around Toronto in his undies??? Lowell please bike safe and laundry safe as well. Miss you much and we will be in blueberries very very soon. Love Betsy
Anonymous, at Thursday, July 06, 2006
We are already eating yor blueberries-they are very good-Thanks.
Loved the entry about Jeremy-quite a character.
Mis Emily's Mom
Anonymous, at Friday, July 07, 2006
hi lowell it sounds like you are having a good time meeting lots 0f intresting people. good luck on the rest of the trip. i hope yo here form u soon.
love kyle
Anonymous, at Friday, July 07, 2006
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