Missoula and Adventure Cycling Office
I can't really believe it but I am in the office of Adventure Cycling in Missoula Montana! Had my best day of cycling today through absolutely spectacular scenery along the Blackfeet River. Lots of traffic but a terrific wide shoulder with rumble bar.
So I walk into Adventure Cycling and there's this guy named Billy Montigny from Burlington who has just arrived from another route (he's crossed the US 9 times by bike) and he knows Mary Welz and John Waldo of Montpelier! Wow, what a coincidence. We had lots to talk about. Charlie, if you're reading this, he thinks he knows you either from UVM (he's a bio/chem professor or some such) or from the Ski Rack-- he bought his Cannondale at the Ski Rack.
Met some nice young people here and may be biking with a young fellow tomorrow and possibly the next day. He's just graduated from college with a degree in biology from Tufts and lives in the US and in the Philippines. You just never know!
Hope all is well with all. David G. thanks for your advice. I actually picked up an orange piece of fabric from the side of the road today (one man's treasure is another's trash) and will try to fashion something to make me and the bike more visible. Love to all. Lowell
So I walk into Adventure Cycling and there's this guy named Billy Montigny from Burlington who has just arrived from another route (he's crossed the US 9 times by bike) and he knows Mary Welz and John Waldo of Montpelier! Wow, what a coincidence. We had lots to talk about. Charlie, if you're reading this, he thinks he knows you either from UVM (he's a bio/chem professor or some such) or from the Ski Rack-- he bought his Cannondale at the Ski Rack.
Met some nice young people here and may be biking with a young fellow tomorrow and possibly the next day. He's just graduated from college with a degree in biology from Tufts and lives in the US and in the Philippines. You just never know!
Hope all is well with all. David G. thanks for your advice. I actually picked up an orange piece of fabric from the side of the road today (one man's treasure is another's trash) and will try to fashion something to make me and the bike more visible. Love to all. Lowell
Hey...I am so glad you found some biker friends even if only for a day or two. I can't wait to see the pictures of Montana. We have had a great visit with Sandy and the girls and cousin Keith. Crowded house but fun fun fun. Keith thinks it's funny that he came all the way to vermont to learn japanease!!We enjoyed a rainy day bowling. 12 of us and I lost only to nathan!! Miss you...and sorry I've missed your calls. Everyone says hello. Love Betsy
Anonymous, at Thursday, August 03, 2006
I had a fun time at your house and we only played kick-the-can once but, that's ok we will play a million times next year. I was the only one to catch everyone this year. Can you believe that NO one got injured! Have fun on your journey across the country I wish you were here with us we miss you.
Rachael Landrey
Anonymous, at Thursday, August 03, 2006
I had fun we all most went swiming every day.I when bogg bording in the ocean.we brought are cousin named kieth and jessica brought her frend named sam.we mit get a dog like lowey.sorry for my bad spelling. form
Anonymous, at Thursday, August 03, 2006
Lowell! Glad to see you're not just sitting around eating bon-bons in your retirement! If I'd heard about your trip further in advance, I might have done a few miles of the journey with you--albeit on MY bike. Too bad we never got to carry out the plan of bringing you to school in leathers . . . Sounds like you are enjoying yourself--I'm glad. Thanks for the entertaining reading. In the small world category, did you happen to meet Sheila Snyder at Adventure Cycling? She's a dear friend and a wonderful person who happens to be the Controller at AC in Missoula. Happy Trails! Tracey P.
Anonymous, at Friday, August 04, 2006
Hi, Lowell --
I've been enjoying your biking blog. Your stories about semis and that strong storm reminded me of similar, unsettling experiences out West in cars! No, I was never driven off the road, but sometimes the roads--combined with large, high speed vehicles--were just too narrow for comfort. With a bike, it is so much tougher. As far as storms, I was once in a storm in Montana with such strong winds and rain that we had to pull off the road; even then, the parked car rocked back and forth.
All of us at WCSU missed you at Killington, but it sure made it easier to talk about you!
Keep on pedalling & have a great day!
Anonymous, at Sunday, August 06, 2006
Hi Lowell,
I've been keeping track of your trip whenever I can tolerate the slowness of our dial-up here at home, and seeing Betsy from time to time to ask how you are. When was/is the big 60??? I was going to send you an email solfege of the birthday song, but there's been no big announcement of it on here. Keep well, stay strong, and know that people back home are thinking of you.
Anonymous, at Monday, August 07, 2006
Hi everyone...Lowell asked me to add a "blog log" (is that a word?) but I can't figure out how. So...if you are reading the comments you will get this update. He is about 50 (+ or -) miles west of Walla Walla Washington. He has hooked up with Justin (24 and awsome on the uphills and fearless on the down). They have been together since Idaho and are very compatible riders. Lowell says the biggest of the mountains are behind them and he is..so far..feeling great. They have been camping mostly and much of the time in city parks, very unequiped for email. Lowell's cell phone was "taken" from a public bathroom where he had left it to charge therefore he is totally out of touch..hmmmm. He and Justin have found that people are very generous and they have met with some very nice accommondations and very great hosts along the way. He is happy and well, and I imagine very fit, and sends his love to all. He continues to log his adventures and will update us all when he can get to a computer. Ahhh..a true adventure..life without technology. Betsy
Anonymous, at Tuesday, August 08, 2006
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