High Miles
Today was a beautiful day (well, most of it) for cycling. Got up at 5:00, McDonalds by 5:30 and on the bike at 6:00. Temperature 58° felt positively cool. It did warm up considerably by the afternoon (90°?), but the winds today were variable, the terrain not too hilly and I managed 92 miles arriving here in Chippewa Falls at 3:00. The change in the weather more than compensated for the additional miles and, though tired, I feel much better than I did at the end of any of the last 3 days with shorter miles.
So what do I eat out here? Almost whatever I can find at an opportune time! This morning began with an egg mcmuffin, coffee, and orange juice at MickeyD. I stopped at about 10:00 for another breakfast of eggs, hashbrowns (real greasy!), toast and coffee. Since then I've had a couple of Sobe green teas (I glug them down), lots and lots of water, and some cashews that I carry with me. I've stopped quite a bit at Subways because the food is inexpensive and I can get the veggies I crave and don't have when I order a veggie delight. All in all, I'm not too fussy about what I eat as long as there's enough of it! I think Wendy's or pizza is on the menu tonight as they are near my abode.
I write from the Chippewa library. This place is busy. Had to wait for a half hour to get on a computer. The friendly folks here opened their locked garage for me so I could stow my bike safely. I always get nervous about it when I stop! It's been a great piece of machinery thus far. All handmade in America! Thank you Charlie for helping me pick out such a reliable steed and for tuning it up so well. I've stopped once at a bike shop to have the chain cleaned and the derailler tuned. Big mistake. Have you ever entered into a transaction with someone and right away known you shouldn't do it, but you do it anyway? At the bike shop, I could tell right away they didn't know much about bikes. The owner said his 14 year old assistant could get to it in a couple of hours. When I came back, the chain wasn't clean (they didn't have any cleaner!) so he'd wiped it with a rag (to little avail). The derailler was worse than when I brought it in, though I've since adjusted it adequately. Be thankful for such a wonderful bike shop as Onion River Sports in Montpelier where the folks there really know their business.
Sorry no pictures! Will try to get some posted tomorrow.
Linda, glad you have lots of laughs! I do get myself into some pretty ludicrous situations! Paige, thanks for the compliment, but I know you have two young kids and get plenty of exercise walking around the neighborhood with them and being an attentive mom. Bravo! We are all so lucky to have our health. I saw a show on TV last night (yes, I do watch the tube!)--an interview with Michael J. Fox. He has an amazing attitude toward his illness and toward life--very courageous and thankful that his disease has given him perspective on himself and his relationship to the world. His disease (Parkinsons) has helped him to be thankful for all the years of health he enjoyed, and to treasure the gifts he still possesses.
Love to all. Off to Osceola tomorrow on the Minnesota border.
So what do I eat out here? Almost whatever I can find at an opportune time! This morning began with an egg mcmuffin, coffee, and orange juice at MickeyD. I stopped at about 10:00 for another breakfast of eggs, hashbrowns (real greasy!), toast and coffee. Since then I've had a couple of Sobe green teas (I glug them down), lots and lots of water, and some cashews that I carry with me. I've stopped quite a bit at Subways because the food is inexpensive and I can get the veggies I crave and don't have when I order a veggie delight. All in all, I'm not too fussy about what I eat as long as there's enough of it! I think Wendy's or pizza is on the menu tonight as they are near my abode.
I write from the Chippewa library. This place is busy. Had to wait for a half hour to get on a computer. The friendly folks here opened their locked garage for me so I could stow my bike safely. I always get nervous about it when I stop! It's been a great piece of machinery thus far. All handmade in America! Thank you Charlie for helping me pick out such a reliable steed and for tuning it up so well. I've stopped once at a bike shop to have the chain cleaned and the derailler tuned. Big mistake. Have you ever entered into a transaction with someone and right away known you shouldn't do it, but you do it anyway? At the bike shop, I could tell right away they didn't know much about bikes. The owner said his 14 year old assistant could get to it in a couple of hours. When I came back, the chain wasn't clean (they didn't have any cleaner!) so he'd wiped it with a rag (to little avail). The derailler was worse than when I brought it in, though I've since adjusted it adequately. Be thankful for such a wonderful bike shop as Onion River Sports in Montpelier where the folks there really know their business.
Sorry no pictures! Will try to get some posted tomorrow.
Linda, glad you have lots of laughs! I do get myself into some pretty ludicrous situations! Paige, thanks for the compliment, but I know you have two young kids and get plenty of exercise walking around the neighborhood with them and being an attentive mom. Bravo! We are all so lucky to have our health. I saw a show on TV last night (yes, I do watch the tube!)--an interview with Michael J. Fox. He has an amazing attitude toward his illness and toward life--very courageous and thankful that his disease has given him perspective on himself and his relationship to the world. His disease (Parkinsons) has helped him to be thankful for all the years of health he enjoyed, and to treasure the gifts he still possesses.
Love to all. Off to Osceola tomorrow on the Minnesota border.
Hey Lowell..aka..mister spandexpants...I'm glad you had a better day/ride. I was thinking about what you said about Michael J.Fox and it got me thinking about that concept that at any given time in our lives we "may be temporarily abled". And it looks like you are right now..go go go. Enjoy the Land of lakes. Miss you. Love Betsy
P.s. To all who are reading...blueberries are plentiful..come and pick.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Hey there - Remember me????? I feel sooo out of touch, but as you know Ihave had a very fun-filled week with our kids and their counerparts. Young adults are the best!!!! What beautiful Vermont weather for the "Schober Palooza". It all went off beautifully - I say the best one yet. (Of course Erin says that is because most of the kids were coupled off either married or with a partner and it kept the guys a little bit more in line - you know how those males can be!!!).
In the midst of of all this I did manage to get my car purchased and some work done around the house - and of course "work" on my tan :)
Glad to be able to chat with you on Saturday and love the pictures and stories. What an adventure. You may never want it to end!! Terriffic that you were able to hook-up with Cyni and Camille.
Don't worry about me.........just slaving away here at BES. Everything is going well - and I think Charlie and I will be just fine (did you have doubts????).
Wish you were here so I could make you one of those wonderful blueberry coffee cakes (once I steel some of your berries). I promise you a pie (whatever kind you want) when you return. No bet needed.
Take care of you - be safe - enjoy and keep making those memories.
Cally :)
Anonymous, at Friday, July 21, 2006
Baker again,
Your trip sounds so amazing. I saw Michael J. Fox last night too. He is really a special person. Kind of like Christopher Reeve was. Here I am worrying about my foolish shoulder. They were both really inspirational.
You are pretty amazing to be able to bike so many miles in a day. How blessed you are with great health and good strong legs.
I am off to Canada for a short vacation. Wish I could ride my bike but will walk instead. Cannot do the bike thing with my bum shoulder. I will be helping Hilary get ready for the school year and then return as soon as I can. Hope to see you and hear more about your adventures when you get back. Isn't our country a beautiful place? Be safe and take good care.
Anonymous, at Friday, July 21, 2006
Hi Lowell: I just love reading of your adventures! It is heartwarming to know that their a people out there who are willing to give a helping hand to a stranger.
I celebrated a very big birthday last week and my family gave me a bicycle. :) Just a plaIn, no gears bike like I had as a child. Nothing fancy. I wanted a "wicked witch of the north" kind of bike. So I'm off, Stowe bikepath or Burlington, know great adventures for me. See what an inspiration you are to all!
Had a wonderful visit with my grandson this week. We went off to Santa's Village with a 2, 3 & 4 year old. What a day! I think I was more exhausted then they were. Great fun! So impressionable and easy to please.
Huge family reunion this coming weekend, so more fun.
Keep posting your great adventure story, stay safe and I'll keep you in my prayers. When did you say you would be at your destination? I'll feel better knowing you are safely there. I think of you often trodding along day after day. Keep going, follow that dream!
Hugs, Diane
Anonymous, at Saturday, July 22, 2006
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