Sorry to be so out of touch. THis has been and continues to be a wonderful trip! As DG said "no phone, no pets, no cigarettes!" Actually, about that phone, arriving in Walla Walla and reaching a Cellular One shop, they knew already who I was, that my phone was missing, and had not been stolen but rather picked up by an elderly gent out walking who thought the phone had been lost and brought it to the Pomeroy police--unfortunately after Justin and I had left town! Again, people along the way have been just wonderful--kind, generous, interested in the trip, talkative--wonderful.
Biking with Justin was great. He and I were quite compatible riders. I left him yesterday just outside of Portland (we rode together from Missoula Montana) where he is meeting his father on Monday. Yesterday I hooked up with my brothers, David and Peter, and the 3 of us are now just 35 miles outside of Astoria Oregon and the end of my trip! We rode together yesterday and will again today.
Have felt great, except for a "dead" thumb on my left hand. Nerve damage? Temporary I hope! One more minor climb today as we approach the coast. Will spend next week visiting family out here and climb South Sister in the Cascades next weekend. Then home to Montpelier. I can't wait!
Corinne, have mucho pictures for a show at school in the fall! Now why do I direct that comment to you?!:)
My love to all. The sun has poked through the morning fog here and it's time to hop on that bike!
Biking with Justin was great. He and I were quite compatible riders. I left him yesterday just outside of Portland (we rode together from Missoula Montana) where he is meeting his father on Monday. Yesterday I hooked up with my brothers, David and Peter, and the 3 of us are now just 35 miles outside of Astoria Oregon and the end of my trip! We rode together yesterday and will again today.
Have felt great, except for a "dead" thumb on my left hand. Nerve damage? Temporary I hope! One more minor climb today as we approach the coast. Will spend next week visiting family out here and climb South Sister in the Cascades next weekend. Then home to Montpelier. I can't wait!
Corinne, have mucho pictures for a show at school in the fall! Now why do I direct that comment to you?!:)
My love to all. The sun has poked through the morning fog here and it's time to hop on that bike!
The last state and with family, what a feeling! Birthday party with your family, Happy Birthday, Lowell!
Anonymous, at Sunday, August 13, 2006
What a great adventure, it will be sad when you stop posting, I have been looking forward to them.
I am glad your phone was taken by a good samaritan.
Anonymous, at Sunday, August 13, 2006
I expecially like the part about then home to montpelier!!!Can't wait. Love Betsy
Anonymous, at Monday, August 14, 2006
Congratulations Lowell! Can't imagine the adventure you have been on, just amazing! Hope to see you soon! Happy Birthday, the neighborhood is clearing out on Thursday with all those girls that Betsy will be having over!!!! Enjoy your time with your family!
Anonymous, at Monday, August 14, 2006
Congradulations on completing your journey, I know you where looking foward to it. Have a great birthday with your family.
Can't wait to see your pictures so don't wait to long.
Anonymous, at Monday, August 14, 2006
Well, I sent a message last night, but did it wrong apparently. Wish I could be there with you guys in beautiful Oregon! Have a great time together and see you when you get back home. Love you guys!
Sarah says hi!
Anonymous, at Monday, August 14, 2006
Lowell - WOW!!!! We arrived this evening in Monument, CO and I am simply floored that you're there already! CONGRATULATIONS!! I hope the thumb issue is indeed temporary.
Looking forward to helping you with the photos although I think you'll have fun doing it yourself once you see how easy it is... but I can't wait to see the photos and hear all about your adventures.
We're here at Meredith & Mark's and hope to fly home as planned on Saturday... hear there have been some airport issues.
Are you going to take the train or fly?
We make wonderful tourists... people are thrilled to find out we're a family and not a "group"... I grin and say, "that's what we do in VT, have big families". We have packed a whole lot it and speaking of photos... well you know how I go around clicking! We are very ready to be home although we still have a trip to make down to PA to drop a couple college students.
Congrats again! See you soon!
Anonymous, at Tuesday, August 15, 2006
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