Ludington and Waiting for----The Badger!

"Oh What a Beautiful Morning" Missouri style

Alicia and Barry Campbell in Luther

Just had a wonderful lunch with Camille and Cyndi in Ludington. Afterward we went to the local Rite Aid (no wonder kids can't spell!) and with the help of Cyndi (oh, I hate to admit this!) burned pictures onto a CD. Yeah! Thank you Camille and Cyndi for driving an hour north to spend some time together. And Camille, I'll be watching for your "Berlin Enquirer" in the fall. Camille has a whole new genre of writing to explore! And Sam, thank you for the suggestion that I burn the pictures. You're right, makes things much easier and now I can reuse the memory disk.
I continue to meet the most wonderful folks! Alicia and Barry saved me! Rolling into Luther (which, by the way, has every denomination of church except Lutheran-go figure that one) I was going into an area that was off my Adventure Cycling Maps for a distance. Barry and Alicia pulled up in the middle of main street in their little town (and I do mean middle--where the stripes are) parked, hailed me over, asked me where I was going and was I lost (do I always look lost?) and began giving me directions. Thinking it might be wise to pull over to let traffic by I suggested same, but Barry insisted we stay right where we are. "In Luther you can park in the middle of Main Street and visit. The only people who honk are out of towners." He was right. Most cars went right around us to the left and right and only a few, nonLutherites I'm sure, gave us scowls. Barry's directions were impeccable but of course I blew the first turn I was to take at the end of Main Street. Turns out Barry and Alicia were keeping an eye out for me, saw my error, and came to my rescue. The rest was a breeze--well, as much of a breeze as 17 more miles can be at the end of a very hot day. 86 miles and 87 the day before. Michigan roads, and drivers have been very kind. And the people, well they're just super!
Met Bert and John this morning passing through Freesoil (history question, who knows where that name comes from) and had just discovered that the restaurant I had intended to stop at for breakfast after 20 miles was shut down! Ugh! These two on their "bents" come riding up and invite me to breakfast with them at a wonderful restaurant slightly off my planned route just a couple of miles down the road. Bert and John are from the Chicago area, and Betsy, John makes an annual pilgrimage to Woodstock to see "Ground Hog Day." Your kind of guy or what?
Have purchased my ticket for this evening to take the "Badger" a 420' ferry across Lake Michigan, a distance of about 60 miles. Costs about $1 per mile. Have reservations in Manitowoc, WI at a motel near the ferry landing as we don't arrive until about 11:00 tonight. My best to all. Hope the weather is right for the Schoberpalooza and the guys running club tomorrow, Saturday. Love to all. Lowell
Hi Lowell (and others keeping up with the comments!) - so glad things are going along relatively smoothly for you. We've just returned from a week out in Indiana and had perfect weather while we were out there, 6 days of sunshine (not too hot) followed by a morning of rain that cleared off for another good day. While I kept up with your postings out there, the dial up connection was not kind (and oh so slow) so I didn't even attempt leaving a message. You know it's tough for us to be in vacation mode so the week found Mike doing various electrical work for my dad and me working on things such as weeding the flower garden for my stepmom (which was work as the muscles ached that night), typing up a list of antiques (and photographing each one of course)at my sister's and such. I did sit around and read a book and we all enjoyed going swimming and to see the latest Pirates movie and of course we all played games - lots of Othello and Quarto. Husband seems to have gotten some poison ivy out in Indiana, most likely from one of the many cats... and I have just a few tiny spots that I sure hope don't spread. Son Michael is in his last few days of rehearsal for Bye Bye Birdie up in Stowe and husband Michael has his first gig as an official member of Native Tongue on Sunday in Waterbury playing for WDEV's 75th anniversary party.
Thanks for the time you're putting into the postings (I know it's hard to imagine that I'm reading them and yet not making more comments!)
Take care. :) Corinne
Corinne's blog of Berlin and area happenings, at Friday, July 14, 2006
Hey Lowell,
I was wondering, do you think one of those giant shower snails you talked about actually ate your watch? Just a thought.
Be well.
Anonymous, at Saturday, July 15, 2006
Lowell, Wisconsin is the closest thing to Vt. I loved it when I did some educational speaking there.Enjoy. Eat some dairy, and try to get to Madison!
Anonymous, at Saturday, July 15, 2006
Hi Lowell, had a great conversation on the phone with Betsy last night. Saw on the weather report that all across the middle of the country there is a heat wave. Probably don't have to tell you though, right? Great to see your pics. Love ya big brother! jane
Anonymous, at Sunday, July 16, 2006
Hope you are finding a way to deal with the heat.
Anonymous, at Sunday, July 16, 2006
Hi Lowell,
I've been enjoying keeping up with your travels and the amazing people you are meeting. I saw Betsy biking up to #10 last week (I was in my air conditioned car contributing to global warming) and invited her to climb one more hill and swim with me at Nelson. It was fun. Except for the part where we're swimming along talking and she says..."so I'm just going to go on ahead for a bit" and she takes off like a motorboat leaving me wondering how that works. Youth. ('re not young. Oh well.) You two are inspirational. So I dusted off my bike and rode up there yesterday. It only took me a couple of hours and the swim never felt more deserved! Stay cool and keep the comments coming. I'll definitely buy your book...especially if there is a picture of you and Enid on the fly leaf. She sounds like my hero. Marcia
Anonymous, at Monday, July 17, 2006
Hey Lowell;
It was great to see you last week. Camille came home and immediately began writing her "Enquirer". We had a nice time seeing you. You look great! I hope that you were able to get a view of our sand dunes while on the ferry across the lake. They are what make Michigan. Anyway, safe travels. If you end up by Coeur d'Lene, Idaho, We have friends there who could help you out with your travels. Is the bike shop where you had troubles the one that we visited with the dogs?
take care, Cyndi and Camille
Anonymous, at Tuesday, July 18, 2006
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